The elements in this section are used to provide structure in a web page, for instance, indicating sections on a page with a heading, creating a paragraph, and so on. These are the basic building blocks that you’ll find yourself using on any web page.
- body
The body contains all the content that’s to be made visible to the user:
<h1>101 Ways to make a paper aeroplane</h1>
<p>Let's start with the basics …</p>
- blockquote
<blockquote >
some text
The blockquote element is a mechanism for marking up a block of text quoted from a person or another document or source. It may be just a few lines, or it may contain several paragraphs.
- <br/>
The br element’s purpose is very simple: it creates a line break within a block of text, leaving no padding or margins between the two blocks of text created by the line break.
- div
The div is a generic block-level element. The div element is currently the most common method for identifying the structural sections of a document and for laying out a web page using CSS.
- Headings
There are six different levels of heading <h1> through <h6>. <h1> being the largest
- <hr/>
The hr element creates in the document a highly visible break that renders as a slim horizontal line running the width of the area to which it’s applied.
- p
The p element is one of the most commonly used building blocks of HTML. When you use the p element to begin a new paragraph in HTML, it automatically creates some space above and below the content.